Siddhant School of Yoga
A professional yoga center working for the growth of society

Siddhant School of Yoga is a registered yoga school for residential yoga courses. We conduct 'Teacher Training Courses' and 'Yoga Retreats' for all of you coming from different parts of the world. The head office of Siddhant School of Yoga is situated near the holy river Ganga at Rishikesh India. We are running yoga camps, retreats, and different yoga courses along with teacher training courses throughout the world online or offline to help you to understand the path of yoga for a better lifestyle.
Thank you so much for choosing the Siddhant School of Yoga; it is our pleasure to serve you for your complete growth. Here we present some unique yogic practices, awakening methods, life-changing courses, and practical solutions to all your questions.
Siddhant School of Yoga helps to develop a different kind of intelligence in you to know more about yourself and deal with your practical and professional life. Moreover, Siddhant School of Yoga also helps you to discover your hidden potential and it is the right place where you can discover your true self, your real identity.
Siddhant School of Yoga helps you to discover your hidden potential by developing a different kind of intelligence in you through the right understanding and the right practice of yoga. Siddhant School of Yoga is the right place for your spiritual growth. Over here you can able to discover your true self, your real identity.
- Hatha Yoga.
- Ashtanga Vinyasa
- Pranayama
- Meditation
- Indian Yoga Philosophy
- Yogic Purification
- Mantra Chanting
- Relaxation Practice
- Yoga Nidra Practice
- Anatomy and physiology
- Basic Ayurveda
- Basic Naturopathy
- Kundalini Yoga
- Acupressure
- Pranic Healing
- Bandhas ( Yogic Locks)
- Mudras ( Yogic Gestures)
All these yogic subjects are very useful to move from confusion to clarity. Here in our yoga school, you can go through yogic counseling personally to solve your practical problems by personal appointment. Siddhant School of Yoga is preparing good teachers to have a unique vision for all humanity towards growth, success, and a balanced life. Yoga is a science, not a belief. It required the attitude of the experiment to experience.
Having this scientific attitude, we are running our school looking for an authentic and healthy society. We have collected and discovered some result-oriented methods which help you to transform yourself. We are presenting here a lot of unique and important topics by which you can transform yourself. A few topics are like this:
- Five body science
- Discipline attitude
- Accepting Challenges
- Creating a Goal
- Developing Will Power
- Stay Focused
- Gratitude
By going through these topics you can able to know and understand your physical, mental, physiological, and existential problems to solve them.
Siddhant School of Yoga discovered and created some yogic techniques to live a balanced life. Let you know all the yogic methods are the source of all ideas and creativity if done correctly. We are very much committed to training and supporting you to develop and adopt some qualities in your life to have a positive change in your life.
Siddhant School Of Yoga
What Makes Us Unique

Complete Growth
Complete growth is all about balanced growth in all dimensions of your life. Life means the combination of 'whatever you have' and 'whoever you are'. Look, you have your personality, and 'you are consciousness'. Complete growth means having a balanced personality along with the experience of consciousness (your true self).
According to the path of yoga without balancing your personality you cannot experience consciousness as your true self. And by balancing your personality through yoga you can experience consciousness. Your personality includes the physical body, mental body, panic body, understanding body, and bliss body. The first part of complete growth means the simultaneous growth of these five bodies. You should work with all these five bodies separately directly or indirectly to balance your personality. Let you know all the different yoga courses like Gyan Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, and many others are designed to balance your personality.
Siddhant School of Yoga presents all the aspects of yoga embracing multiple parts of your personality which are really helpful to you for your complete growth.
Intense Practice
Intense practice is something to practice by giving your 100% with proper technique. The purpose of intense practice is to develop the right habit and discipline in you for your growth and success. Siddhant School of Yoga gives you the right techniques and motivates you to develop the right attitude so that you can go through intense practice.

Breathing Secrets
Breathing is necessary for a life to live. But the science of breathing is very much important to live a healthy, wealthy, and wise life. Siddhant School of Yoga discovered some unique breathing techniques that can help you to become free from physical and mental disease. Right breathing practice during the different yoga courses, helps you to balance your body, mind, and prana. Also, the right breathing techniques can help you in your meditation which is very important in your life and it gives you the state of no mind which is the real form of yoga.
Kundalini Awakening
Kundalini is not just energy. Kundalini is the source of knowledge and wisdom. Kundalini takes care of you like a mother in all dimensions of your life. So in India, we never say just kundalini, we always say mother kundalini. A little amount of kundalini has already awakened everyone to live a normal lifestyle. With proper discipline and proper yogic practice, you can awaken your kundalini more. Siddhant School of Yoga presents kundalini asana, kundalini pranayama, kundalini philosophy, and some secret and classical kundalini meditation techniques to awaken the kundalini in you looking forward to experiencing a higher state of consciousness.

Proper Asanas Knowledge
Indian ancient yoga culture presents 'Asana' to have a healthy body so that you can go through the proper yogic practice for your inner growth. Asanas are not meant just for physical health, of course, physical health is the by-product of Asanas. If you practice asana with proper knowledge, you will definitely get good physical health as well as you can develop your willpower, patience, witness ability, awareness, and many more qualities, which are the basic qualities of your inner growth. Proper knowledge and experience of asana do not come by casually practicing asana. It comes through the right practice of asana by following all the principles of asana with an experienced teacher. Siddhant School of Yoga provides you with the right yoga teacher and proper knowledge about asana during the different yoga courses accordingly.
Secret of Yoga
Yoga can be the ultimate solution to solve all your problems if you understand the secret of yoga. The secret of yoga can be revealed in front of you through the right understanding and practice of yoga. You often encounter some existential questions, like "who am I, what is Meditation, what is Ignorance, what is Death, what is Life, what is Samadhi (enlightenment)". These are the secrets of this universe, no one can answer them. You have to discover these secrets through the right practice of yoga and through your inner experience.
Siddhant School of Yoga presents some good and unique techniques with proper teaching methodology to you during the different yoga courses, which help you to discover the secret of yoga.

Professional Yoga Teacher
We are committed to preparing and presenting you as a professional yoga teacher who will guide the future generation. You are here with Siddhant School of Yoga to become a professional yoga teacher. As a yoga teacher training school, we know all the aspects and qualities of a professional yoga teacher like a committed attitude, the right knowledge about the subject, goodwill for students, and much more. The way we are conducting our yoga course to prepare a normal practitioner into a professional yoga teacher is very admirable. We are very confident about this because of our past results.
Benefits of Mantra
Every letter and word has its own energy field and effect. 'Mantra' is all the collection of one letter, a group of letters, or a group of words. Whenever you collect some energetic group of words or letters they create a large amount of power which can be used in a creative way for your complete growth. By mantra you can do and achieve anything, whatsoever you want because 'Mantra' is just energy. You can find different mantras for different purposes like mantras for good health, money, meditation, power, and some other things. Proper pronunciation of mantra is very necessary for a good result. Siddhant School of Yoga presents the right way of mantra chanting with proper pronunciation in every yoga course.

Assistance and Support
Yoga is all about discipline. It is really very challenging to be disciplined during your course and also, you need some assistance and support to continue your practice in a disciplined way during your course and after. Siddhant School of Yoga presents good surroundings, a group, a schedule, and helpful teachers for your help and support during your course.
After completing your yoga course, it is not easy to continue the practice in your place. Here Siddhant School of Yoga can help and assist you by designing a specific schedule that you can further customize according to your lifestyle and nature. This will help you to continue the practice in your place after the completion of the yoga course.
Benefits of meditation
Meditation is very essential to live a balanced life. Most people are suffering from mental and emotional problems because of an uncleared goal and an unbalanced mind. If you are able to set a goal and manage your thought process, you can be free from all kinds of mental, emotional, and physical problems.
Siddhant School of Yoga presents 'Meditation' as the ultimate solution for your mental and emotional problems if practiced regularly and sincerely. Meditation can lead you from more thought to less thought and be able to give you clarity and understanding
Siddhant School of Yoga presents some unique and effective meditation methods to experience meditation during the different yoga courses.

Mental Solution
All kinds of mental problems arise because of unbalanced thoughts and emotions. Normally you do not know how to balance thoughts and emotions. If you try on your own way, without knowing the nature of the mind, it will not give you the proper result the way you want.
Siddhant School of Yoga presents the right way of practice to watch and understand your thoughts and emotions to get the right mental solution.
Let you know, your mind depends on your prana. If you balance your prana through pranayama practice you can balance your mind and solve your mental problems. During the different yoga courses, the Siddhant School of Yoga presents the right methods of pranayama to balance your mind and solve its problems.