Life has many dimensions. To strengthen each dimension, nature has created some energy centers, called chakras. Awakening of chakras is very useful for a yoga practitioner. Many dimensions of life open up with the awakening of chakras and then the seeker becomes useful for himself and then for the whole society.

Dear friend ‘Chakra’ means energy centers. And your chakras control all your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual activities. By activating your different chakras you can able to give the right impact on all of your life. There are 114 Chakras in your body. Out of all these chakras, 7 chakras are very important. They are:

1. Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)

  • Location: At the base of the spine (perineum).
  • Mantra: LAM
  • Color: Red
  • Associated Element: Earth
  • Significance: Represents the foundation of life like stability, security, food

2. Svadhisthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

  • Location: Just above the genital area, just behind the lower abdomen, in the spine.
  • Mantra: VAM
  • Color: Orange
  • Associated Element: Water
  • Significance: Governs creativity, profession, and sensuality.

3. Manipura Chakra (Navel Chakra)

  • Location: Just behind the navel in the spine, in the solar plexus area.
  • Mantra: RAM
  • Color: Yellow
  • Associated Element: Fire
  • Significance: Represents willpower, confidence, and commitment.

4. Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)

  • Location: Just behind the heart, in the spine.
  • Mantra: YAM
  • Color: Green
  • Associated Element: Air
  • Significance: Symbolizes love, compassion, and emotional balance.

5. Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra)

  • Location: Just behind the throat, along the spine.
  • Mantra: HAM
  • Color: Sky Blue
  • Associated Element: Ether (Space)
  • Significance: Represents understanding, clarity, and communication.

6. Ajna Chakra (Third-Eye Chakra)

  • Location: At the upper end of your spine. But you can experience in between both your eyebrows
  • Mantra: AUM
  • Color: Indigo
  • Associated Element: Light
  • Significance: Represents knowledge, wisdom, and intuition,

7. Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)

  • Location: At the crown of the head.
  • Mantra:  OM
  • Color: Violet or White
  • Associated Element: Beyond all elements (cosmic energy)
  • Significance: Represents spiritual enlightenment, and experiencing the oneness.
  • Dear friend

Dear friend, as I mentioned 7 chakras are very important out of your 114 Chakras in your body. So you need to give priority and activate your seven chakras, just as provided above.

Now there is a simple question, ‘How to activate chakras in the human body?’

Dear friend, you have to go through 3 steps for chakra activation in your body.

Step – 1: Spine Awareness

Step – 2: Discovering Your Chakras

Step – 3: Activating and Awakening Your Chakras

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Step – 1: Spine Awareness

Spine awareness is very important in the process of chakra activation. For your kind information, all your important chakras are in your Shushumna Nadi (The queen Nadi of all your Nadi System). Nadi means Energy Cord. And your Shushumna Nadi is in your spine.  So to locate and discover your Chakras to awaken your chakras, you need to experience your spine from bottom to top and top to bottom in its pure form to discover all your chakras. In our ancient yogic system, a lot of yogic techniques are available by which you can focus, observe, and experience your spine as a separate entity. 

Step 2: Discovering Your Chakras

Identifying the exact locations of your chakras is very essential for the effective activation and awakening of your chakras. This needs the right intention, proper techniques, unwavering focus, and the right observation power. Chakra activation is not possible without discovering the accurately pinpointing its location.

According to ancient scriptures, the exact positions of all the chakras are well-documented. However, locating them within yourself requires:

  • Adequate spine awareness
  • Strong focusing ability
  • A mindful and observant attitude

In some cases, pure intention and the right intensity can be sufficient to discover the exact points of your chakras.

Step 3: Activating and Awakening Your Chakras

Once you have discovered your chakras, the activation process involves three key elements:

  • Directing focused attention to each chakra, one at a time.
  • Chanting the corresponding seed mantra with the correct pronunciation.
  • Visualizing the associated color for each chakra.

For example, visualizing the red color, chanting the mantra “LAM” and focusing on the perineum area help activate the Muladhara Chakra. This process, when repeated systematically for each chakra, initiates a deeper connection with your Energy Body.

The Indian yogic tradition regards Chakra Meditation as a powerful method to discover and activate your chakras. This practice enhances your inner potential, aligns your energy centers, and fosters holistic well-being.

Dear friend the way you discover and activate your one chakra in your body exactly, you can activate your 7 chakras and also you can work on other chakras to locate and to activate your other chakras.  

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